Marriage and Family

Ministry to Separated and Divorced Catholics

“I earnestly call upon pastors and the whole community of the faithful to help the divorced and with solicitous care, to make sure that they do not consider themselves as separated from the Church… Let the Church pray for them, encourage them and show herself a merciful mother and thus sustain them in faith and hope.” -Pope John Paul II, On the Family, #84

“Nothing – not even divorce or death – can place limits on God’s love.” -USCCB, Follow the Way of Love, pg. 5

Things to Know About Divorce and Annulments

  • Divorced/remarried Catholics are not excommunicated.
  • Annulments do not cost thousands of dollars.
  • Someone married for a long time can get an annulment.
  • Someone with children can get an annulment.
  • Annulments do not take years to process and do not have to be processed in Rome.
  • Your “ex” does not need to cooperate in the annulment process

Things to Know About Divorce and Parish Life

  • Separated/divorced Catholics are welcome at Mass and Church activities.
  • Separated/divorced Catholics can be sponsors at Baptism and Confirmation.
  • Separated/divorced Catholics can receive the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.
  • Separated/divorced Catholics can have their children baptized and receive other sacraments.


Support Groups

Divorced or separated Catholics seeking support can contact Deacon Pat Kennedy, 215-901-8446 or 

The St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation: We help families affected by divorce and separation through prayerful accompaniment and support groups.

The St. Raymond Nonnatus Foundation for Freedom, Family, Faith offers spiritual accompaniment for those affected by divorce and separation and families in crisis.  They are headquartered in Philadelphia and the office is in Skippack, PA. For more information about the foundation go to  Please subscribe to their YouTube Channel to receive notifications about upcoming podcasts.  Subscribe by clicking here.   For more information about their services click here to send an email to the Executive Director.

Thinking About Starting an In-Person Support Group in Your Parish? 

Separated and Divorced Catholic (SDC) support groups are peer ministry programs which offer emotional and spiritual support for Catholics who are going through, or who have already experienced, separation or divorce. SDC support groups seek to provide information and resources which assist members to accept their present situation and to prepare for the future. 

Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide The Catholic’s DIVORCE SURVIVAL weekly parish program presents the Church’s loving wisdom to guide you past the pain. For true healing, we point you to the Sacraments, where you’ll encounter Christ—with all His love and mercy–in a deeply personal way. And that’s the REALLY good news. If you are interested in starting this program in your parish, please contact Steve Bozza, Office for Life and Family  215-587-5661.

Divorce and Beyond Divorce and Beyond is a program designed to help separated and divorced persons to gain a perspective on their situation and begin anew. An easy to follow leader’s manual helps non-professionals present the program effectively. Please visit the website for the Ministry of the North American Conference of Divorced Catholics for materials and information. If you are interested in starting this program in your parish, please contact Steve Bozza, Office for Life and Family  215-587-5661.