
Study: People in “Vegetative” State Incorrectly Diagnosed

There is more encouraging news coming out of Canada regarding the very unscientific persistent vegetative state (PVS) diagnosis. Once again there has been a study regarding three people who were incorrectly thought to be in a PVS. Why is this so important? One reason is that the PVS diagnosis can be used as a motive […]

Real Men Protect and Provide for their Children

In our Hope and Healing video that encourages women to seek post abortion healing there is a frame that has haunted me since I first saw it. The video center’s around a woman by the name of Jennifer.  At 18 she was faced with an unwanted pregnancy. Many of the people in her life including […]

Patients are Being Euthanized Every Day – And It’s Getting Worse

This past year the World Medical Association reaffirmed their longstanding position against euthanasia and physician assisted suicide. This is great news and the declaration was strongly worded. From the World Medical Association’s Declaration on Euthanasia: “Euthanasia, that is the act of deliberately ending the life of a patient, even at the patient’s own request or […]

The Hyper-Feminization of Religion

Recently, a group of us were talking about how to restore vibrant and healthy priestly vocations for the Church.  As a first step, we know we need to tackle the more fundamental problem of the very low number of young adult men who practice their Catholic faith.  I remember hearing about a study somewhere that […]

Masculinity and Fatherhood

There is an inseparable unity between masculinity and fatherhood. Physically, a man’s body reveals his fatherhood. It is strong, able to protect and defend his family and others from harm and provide for their physical needs. It expresses his internal masculine characteristics of courage, determination and vigor. He is born with a heart that is […]

Event Idea: “I’m Prolife Because…” Cookout

“Why are you, prolife?” Sometimes one of the hardest events to do is a social event that still has an aspect of promoting the pro-life mission. These events, if done successful, can be some of the most effective at teaching people about what it means to be pro-life. This event idea stemmed from our original […]

Fill the Earth and Subdue it

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. Let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the cattle, and over all the wild animals and all the creatures that crawl on the round…God blessed them, saying “be fertile and multiply, fill the […]

Getting Back to the Basics

How many times have you heard the phrase “abortion is complicated”? Or “we don’t know what she’s going through”?   Abortion advocates paint the issue as complex. Planned Parenthood, our nation’s largest abortion provider, even introduced a new slogan this year, “Not in her shoes,” claiming that abortion is a complicated decision that should be […]

The Gospel of Life and the Sunday Homily

At our Pro Life Summit on July 20, 2013 a man who is very committed to the Pro Life cause lamented that at these summits we preach to the choir so to speak and the vast majority of Catholics do not hear the Pro Life message from the pulpit. He stated that the only way […]

Why we object to the HHS mandate

As Catholics, we do not object to authentic services aimed at preventing medical harms. A true medical service should accord with the nature of medical practice, which is to heal and not to harm.  But fertility is not a disease, and the only covered methods are drugs which in fact increase diseases, devices which block […]