
Pope Francis: Societies That Don’t Care for Elderly, Children “Have No Future”

Recently, in an address to Catholics who came to Turin, Italy for the 47th annual Social Service Week, Pope Francis said the following, “A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise.” It goes without saying […]

Don’t Be Deceived Again!

A generation ago, the abortion issue took a bad turn, because the proponents  framed the debate as being about “a woman’s right to choose”. Had the issue been about the unborn baby, odds are that it would have been decided in favor of the right to life. Now, another cultural debate is occurring. This time […]

The Privilege is Hers

Women historically have been dubbed “the weak sex,” “the second sex,” or “the inferior sex.” Frequently, they have been considered “less talented, less strong, less creative, less interesting, less intelligent, less artistic than [their] male counterpart[s].” Philosopher Alice von Hildebrand noticed that “[t]he history of the world is mostly the history of the achievements of […]

Husbands Love Your Wives

Masculinity is often described as a composite of strength of body and will, courage, determination and vigor. A man is hardwired to defend and protect others in his life. He is born with a heart that is capable of transforming the strength of his body into a strong and gentle care for his wife that […]

Opening My Heart to Life

“Do you have kids?” my co-worker asked as he looked at an old family photo of me surrounded by nieces and nephews. He was helping me move into a new office, and my mind was focused on the many other duties that were piling up. He went on to mention that he and his wife […]

Learning to Accept God’s Will

Not long ago a priest shared some guidance with my wife and me that has been the cause of a great deal of conversation and reflection in our home.  In response to learning that we pray every day about our oldest son’s future and that he be healed of his autism, he encouraged us to […]

Rachel’s Story: Surprise Twins

When you’re a college student, there are certain expectations of you—expectations that you have of yourself and expectations from those around you. You are intelligent, and your family and friends know it. You are driven and goal-oriented; you are going places in life. You probably know several individuals from school that chose to go straight […]

Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!

As I sit here in this hospital room, staring happily at my wife and our newly born baby girl, I can’t help but feel an instinctive desire to defend and protect my daughter from any and all harm. Although she is my fifth child, I struggle with these emotions and have to convince myself to […]

Relics of St. Therese of Lisieux and Her Parents

On the occasion of Magnificat Day 2013, Mgr Bernard Lagoutte, the rector of the Basilica of St. Thérèse in Lisieux, France, has presented to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia the relics of St. Thérèse, the Little Flower, and of her parents, Blessed Louis and Blessed Zélie Martin, who were beatified in Lisieux on World Mission Sunday, […]

Perfecting Our Human Hearts

“If we can’t have sex, then what can we do?” This question often surfaces in a classroom full of young men after hearing the message of chastity. We are without a doubt living in a time where our culture is, to say the least, romantically uncreative. I not only notice it in the students with […]